Edraak’s Specializations?

They are a series of courses designed around a particular topic, enabling the learner to master a skill or gain specific in-depth knowledge. After completing and passing the courses, the learner concludes his/her educational journey with the specialization by taking a test or doing the capstone project. The learner can also issue a certificate on the successful completion of the specialization.

How can you get the Specialization certificate?

Enroll in theSpecialization Take all the Coursesincluded in the Specialization Finish the capstone Get your Specialization

What distinguishes Edraak’s specializations?

  • The specializations are available online for all to use.
  • Several specializations are accredited by an institute or center that specializes in the topic at hand.
  • The specializations’ topics are widely requested in the labor market.
  • The learner delves into an intensive research and study experience, especially during the project or test period, which equips him/her with new skills and a greater understanding of the topic.

What is the purpose of Edraak’s specializations?

Edraak’s specializations aim at enabling the learner to master a skill or gain specific in-depth knowledge. Additionally, the learner can benefit from the specialization certificate, which can not only improve his/her career level and chances of getting a job, but also raise his/her academic performance and help him/her prepare for their graduate studies.

What types of Specializations does Edraak offer?

There are two types of specializations available. The first type addresses one topic through a series of courses, which must be completed sequentially. The second type of specialization compiles courses that discuss various topics, but which, together, offer the learner an added value or a related skill set. Course topics are usually varied and are not arranged in a specific order.

Available Specializations on Edraak

Project Management

UI/UX Design

The Art of Selling

Success Skills and Self-improvement

Creativity at Work Specialization

Leadership and Teamwork Skills Specialization

English Conversational Skills for Beginners

International Computer Driving Licence - ICDL Base

Education Technology: Principles, Strategies, Applications

Digital Marketing: SEO, Analytics, and Online Presence

Business Plan and Financial Feasibility Study

Cyber Security

Emotional Intelligence

Career Compass: Your Pathway to Success

Revit Design Software

Mastering Excel

Calculus Series

Customer Service Mastery: From Basics to Key Accounts

The Arab MOOC on Child Rights Specialization

Misk Skills Pathway

Essentials in Career Leadership

The Manager’s Essential Toolkit

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